Invite users to your company account


On Get on Board there is no limit to the number of users of your company that can access the platform. There's no need to share one single account among several people. 

This is valid for any type of company account on Get on Board, whether you have an active subscription or not.

Why do we offer unlimited company users? Because we have proven that hiring processes are more efficient when more people in the team participate directly in it. For example, it is much better when the area or person requesting to hire a profile can observe and participate directly in the selection process, instead of waiting for someone in the recruiting area to deliver reports on the applicants.  

Besides, there are other advantages: 

  • Each member of the team can only see the jobs they are interested in. You don't need to receive notifications or emails of jobs that are not in your charge (this is especially useful in larger teams). 
  • The activity of each member of the team remains registered separately. This way, you can know exactly who wrote each message, who opened and closed a selection process, who left a private note, etc.
  • You can create user groups (work teams) to assign (and differentiate) access to the different selection processes among the users of your company.

We recommend you invite as many users as possible to your company account. There is no limit either to the number of administrators that you can keep in your team. Click here to learn more about the differences between user roles.

How to invite users to your company account

To invite new users you must have an admin role, the other user roles do not have the faculties to add or remove users.

If you are an account administrator, just go to My team > Manage users in your left side menu, then enter the email address of the person you want to invite and click on "send invitation". 

Add as many users as you need to your company account.

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