Scorecards are evaluation tools that facilitate the selection process. You can create and adapt them according to your recruitment needs. To create scorecards on Get on Board, you must follow these steps:
1. Click here to go to the Scorecards view, or select the option in the Job resources menu

2. Once there, you must click on the button "Create a Scorecard", which will open a modal where you must indicate the name you want to assign it. You can also edit this name later.

3. After creating the scorecard you must select, or create, the evaluation criteria (the abilities, skills, or technologies to be evaluated). You can also enter sub-criteria or evaluation objectives. For each criterion, you will be able to assign the evaluation weighting, depending on the relevance to the position. The weights range from very low (0.5x) to very high (2x).

4. Once you have created your Scorecard, you can assign it to as many jobs as you want. You can do this in step 3 (Scorecards) when you create your job ad, or assign it to your previously created jobs from the job actions menu in your dashboard.

5. When receiving applicants, you can easily assess them within their cards on your Kanban process board by selecting the "Scorecards" option on each applicant's card.